
Hello! Thank you for checking out the Athlete Personality Test app.

My name is Declan Kramper.

What sparked the idea to build this app?

  • I love running, thinking and Strava
  • Strava recently ran a campaign to increase usage of custom titles on posts
  • I use my titles to cement/memorize each run based on the main thought I had during that run

So I thought, what do all my running thoughts say about me?

This app is a product of my love for running, curiosity about self-discovery, and the social spirit of Strava. Hopefully you find it fun and enjoy using it, too!

If you did, or if you have any other thoughts and want to get in touch, I'd love to hear from you: hello@dkbuilds.co

Check out my portfolio for other work, business page for other products, or check out the GitHub repository for the source code.